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NT$ 99,000
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防禦空間-試探 Defensible Space-Tentative

年份 Year
尺寸  Size
72.5 X 130 cm
作品媒材 Material
油畫畫布 Oil on canvas

備註 Remark
不含畫框 Without frame

(可加價選購 Can be purchased at an additional price)

Series of cave
The impact on people's living space from the urban and architecture,until the change of my own living state and strengthened by the Internet generation. Discuss the continuous changes of human individuals in the changing environment unconsciously. For myself,the only thing that remains unchanged is the defensive nature inherently possessed because it exists in the square box of the city. And,because of the network relationship, it has continued to increase. Changes in the past lifestyle during this change,there is reaction to the current state in the inherent habits. This reaction is not only the difference between the city and the natural environment, living alone and group life, or the existence of the Internet,It is the connection between the self-memory of this moment and this era that is summoned in between.