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NT$ 180,000
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趨光20 – 白日夢行者


年份 Year
尺寸  Size
182 X 116.5 X 5 cm
作品媒材 Material
壓克力畫布 Acrylic on canvas

備註 Remark
不含畫框 Without frame

(可加價選購 Can be purchased at an additional price)

趨光系列: 「趨光性在生物學中是一種有趣的生物行為,擁有趨光性的生物中,擁有正趨光性的會靠近光源,而有負趨光性的會躲避光線的刺激。這樣對於植物等自養生物來說十分重要。」

--------------------- -------------------------------- 維基百科,趨性頁面 維基百科,趨性頁面 維基百科,趨性頁面 因為生物的天性使然會往有光的方向前進,對我來說這是一種往正面前進的想法。在開始創作這系列作品的時候我正在服役,從原本可以自由分配每一天24小時的分每秒的自由生活,變成了需要面對每天每天一成不變的服役生活。原本自由自在的我像是被鎖了起來,必須要遵守各種看起來很合理卻是讓我覺得很像被束縛住的各種規定。所以我開始了這一系列的創作,每一件作品都像是日記一樣紀錄的的服役生活,而「往光的方向前進」是我賦予作品裡面的植物或是動物的趨光性。在某個看似合理、熟悉的空間中往光的方向前進著,但是其中卻暗藏著我對於每一個生活事件的想像與期待,也許「往光的方向前進」並且走到光的那邊可以遇見什麼有趣的事情正在等著我吧?

“Phototropism is an interesting biological phenomenon. In organisms with phototropism, those with positive phototropism will approach the light source, while those with negative phototropism will avoid the stimulation of light. This is very important for autotrophic organisms such as plants.”

Many living things tend to move in the direction of light. For me, this represents the idea of moving forward. When I started to create this series of works, I was serving as a soldier. In contrast to my previous lifestyle, in which I had full agency over all 24 hours of each day, every minute and every second was now occupied by the demands of service. I had to abide by all kinds of regulations that seemed reasonable, but made me feel bound. As a result, I started this series of creations to maintain some inner sense of freedom. The pieces are like a diary that reflects service life, and "toward the light" is a metaphor that reflects my inner, personal journey and reflections through my period of service.


趨光17 – 游泳池沒水

Taxis 17 - Swimming pool without water

枕頭山01 - 下班

Pillow hill 01 - get off work 


Pillow hill 02

枕頭山03 - 睡前讀物

Pillow hill 03 - Reading before bed

枕頭山04 – 無止盡的隊伍

Pillow hill 04 – Endless Queue

枕頭山05 - 家族旅行

Pillow hill 05 - Family Trip