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枕頭山03 - 睡前讀物 Pillow hill 03 - Reading before bed


年份 Year
尺寸  Size
72.5 X 60 X 5 cm
作品媒材 Material
壓克力畫布 Acrylic on canvas

備註 Remark
不含畫框 Without frame

(可加價選購 Can be purchased at an additional price)


這系列的構圖採用傳統的中國山水畫概念,有山、水和空氣的流動。在這邊試著將"三遠法"與 "科學透視法" 加以整合,把堅硬的岩石跟柔軟的枕頭做結合,讓堅硬的「山」轉變成一種軟綿綿的「枕頭山」。另外,我覺得在山水畫中還有一個重要的元素是由水跟空氣(留白)去營造出來的空間感,所以在這系列中用了雲朵模擬出這一種抽象的距離感,並且保有一些童趣的想像。讓堅硬跟柔軟之間的衝突帶有某種程度的童趣但是又能在畫面上感受到「枕頭山」的「懶」態度。

"Pillow Mountain" was originally just a place name, but with these works I hope to present its alternative meaning of "doing nothing at all, lying around lazily in bed". 

This series adopts the shan shui style, a traditional Chinese landscape painting technique that depicts mountains and the flowing of water and air. I also attempted to integrate both Guo Xi's "three distances" and scientific perspective in the artworks. By combining the hardness of rock with the softness of a pillow, I have transformed the rock hard mountain into a velvety soft "Pillow Mountain". Another important element in shan shui painting is the use of water and air to create a perception of space. Therefore, these works employ clouds to create this abstract sense of distance and encourage playful childlike musings. The contrast between hard and soft conjures up childlike delight while also conveying the "lazy" interpretation of "Pillow Mountain".


趨光17 – 游泳池沒水

Taxis 17 - Swimming pool without water

趨光20 – 白日夢行者

Taxis 20 - Traveler in the daydream

枕頭山01 - 下班

Pillow hill 01 - get off work 


Pillow hill 02

枕頭山04 – 無止盡的隊伍

Pillow hill 04 – Endless Queue

枕頭山05 - 家族旅行

Pillow hill 05 - Family Trip